Why The Stargate Movie Still Holds Up 15 Years Later

It’s probably been 15 years since I last saw Stargate, although it’s no particular fault of the film’s; indeed, it’s director Roland Emmerich’s earliest movies as a mainstream Hollywood filmmaker that have enjoyed the most longevity, or at least audience affection. (In comparison to Independence Day or even Universal Soldier, it’s hard to imagine that … Read more

Meet Stargate’s Real Life Daniel Jackson In This Video Featurette

In this exclusive behind-the-scenes clip from the upcoming Stargate: 15th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray, producer Dean Devlin talks about creating the ancient Egyptian language used in the movie, and we meet the Egyptologist who was the real-life counterpart to James Spader’s Dr. Daniel Jackson. The upcoming Blu-ray contains both the theatrical and extended cuts of the … Read more

Brad Wright Provides The 101 On The Entire Stargate Franchise

Executive producer Brad Wright gives a helpful Stargate 101, looking back at the original Stargate film, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and tells how they all affect the new Stargate Universe in this latest video featurette to be added to the sites media collection.