Christine Mooney Sadly Passes Away

Christine Mooney who has been an intricate part of the Stargate SG1 franchise since season 7 has sadly passed away late last week.

Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi has posted a heartfelt eulogy in his latest blog entry.

Whenever I’m asked what I enjoy most about working on the Stargate franchise, my answer is always the same: the people I work with. To the average viewer, their favorite show begins and ends with the actors they invite into their homes every week. The rest of the production personnel are faceless entities, names that scroll by at the beginning and end of a given episode. It’s unfortunate that, for the most part, fans never really have the opportunity to know the many talented people who work behind the scenes. The camera operators, production designers, art directors, visual effects coordinators, and make-up artists to name a few, all incredibly hardworking individuals who give up their early morning, late nights, and the occasional weekends to ensure production runs smoothly and those episodes get delivered in a timely manner.

Christine Mooney was SG-1’s Costume Designer in seasons 7, 8, 9, and part of season 10. Back in 2005, she was nominated for a local Leo Award for Best Costume Design in a Dramatic Series for the episode “It’s Good to be King”, but actually won the award for the episode “Moebius, Part II”. Yes, she was great at what she did, and she was great because she possessed not only an eye for design, but a passion for her work and an obvious deep-seeded trust and affection for her co-workers. There was always a serenity about her, a disarming calmness that instantly put you at ease. And yet, it was always evident that that her patience and soft-spoken composure belied a certain excitement bubbling subtly beneath the surface whenever she presented a design or costume-in-progress. She was proud of her work; proud of her design team. And deservedly so.

She was also a lovely woman, always making it a point to stop me in the hall to either compliment a script, a bit of casting, or the tie I happened to be wearing that day. We were all greatly saddened when she had to leave us partway through SG-1 tenth season, but were all heartened when she made a return visit in early January of this year. Words fail to describe how pleased I was to see her again that day, or how sad I was to learn of her passing late last week.

Christine Mooney was incredibly gifted, an exceptionally courageous woman, and a much-loved member of our extended Stargate family. She‘ll be missed.

The Stargate Archive team would like to offer our condolences to Christine’s family during this difficult time, she will be truly missed.

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