Introducing Caden Dar Bateman

Stargate Atlantis actress Rachel Luttrell has posted a new announcement on her website. Here is an excerpt.

Where has the time gone?! I was so well intentioned a month and a half ago. I really thought that I would be up to the challenge of weekly postings. But time has flown by and the snowy wet rain has given way to, well, rain rain and we are fast approaching April. So, my apologizes for not being more on the ball, but I have been juggling a few of my own. Filming is going swimingly and motherhood has been getting better and better. Both have kept me… active… to say the least.

Here is a little picture of Caden and I at work.
Thanks again for all your comments. As per usual, I really do appreciate them. With any luck I will be back before April’s showers bring May’s flowers. : )

Best to you all,