Universe To Be The Darkest Stargate Yet

Stargate Universe’s lead scientist who will be played by Scottish actor Robert Carlyle, explains in his latest interview how some deadly decisions by the Destiny team help to make Stargate Universe the darkest Stargate of them all.

Please note that this interview does contain spoilers regarding the first six episodes.

You can read an excerpt of the interview below:

We know so little about your character. What else can you tell us?

I play Dr. Nicholas Rush. He’s a scientist. He’s a little bit in his mind, but he has his reasons, which will remain secret for the moment. I guess what makes this Stargate different from the previous shows in the franchise is, it’s a lot darker than the other ones. This has less to do with interaction with an alien race and more about survival on the ship itself.

Rush takes these people through the Stargate onto what they think is another world, and in fact it’s actually a ship. It’s a massive ship called the Destiny. It was a ship that was launched hundreds of thousands of years ago by the Ancients themselves, and is now floating through space. No one was ever meant to be there. The team that is there is ill-equipped to be there. So the first six or seven episodes are actually all called “Air,” “Fire,” “Water” and “Earth” because it’s about surviving amongst that, it’s more drama-based and more character-driven.

From what we’ve read it sounds like there is a darker angle, can you expand about how much more darker these characters really are, will we be actually dealing with death?

Certainly, certainly. In the first three hours there are three deaths. It’s very heavy. There’s a suicide by episode six, as well. Because these people are in the far reaches of the universe, never to come home. That’s the thing Rush explains, that it’s impossible to go back. And they don’t know where else to turn.

You can read the full interview here courtesy of io9