Ming Na Supports Jayneoni Moore and Playdate for Haiti

With well over 100,000 confirmed dead, millions injured or displaced and untold others missing, the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti is unquestionably one of the largest natural disasters in modern history.

Some of the hardest hit by the tragedy are those least equipped to handle its dangerous aftermath; An estimated 380,000 children were already orphans beforehand according to UNICEF, and thousands more have been rendered just that as a result of the 7.0 quake.

With their needs in mind, Jayneoni Moore hosted the Playdate for Haiti last week at The Playroom in Sherman Oaks, California. Co-sponsored by the Jayneoni Moore Children’s Fund, Project Nursery, Mustela and Nourish, celebrity mums were on hand to pack aid boxes bound for Haitian orphanages filled with diapers, clothing, formula and water. The supplies were donated by fellow mums from across the entire United States of America.

Stargate Universe star Ming-Na said she hoped their efforts would have a lasting effect not only on the children of Haiti, but also on her own daughter Michaela, 9. “I wanted her to understand that we all can help out those in need,” Ming-Na explained to Celebrity Baby Blog. “It doesn’t matter how young you are, or how far away the problem is.” She added,

“Every little bit helps when you give of yourself. It’s not always about just donating money, but also donating your time and effort and heart.”